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Technology Demonstration


The technology demonstration component consists of the following partners:

  1. KVKs in eight zones -100 (Download attachment here for the List of 100 KVKs)

  2. Co-operating centres of AICRP on Dryland Agriculture - 25

  3. Technology Transfer Divisions of Core Institutes – 7

Under this component, an integrated package of proven technologies would be demonstrated in one village panchayat in each district for adaptation and mitigation of the crop and livestock production systems to climate variability based on the available technologies. The districts to be covered for these demonstrations and list of KVKs are given in Fig.

Districts Selected for Technology Demonstration

The process of finalizing demonstration consists of the following steps:

 Analysis of climatic constraints of village based on long term data

  1. Assessment of the natural resources status of the village

  2. Identification of major production systems

  3. Studying of existing institutional structures and identify gaps Focus group discussion with the community to finalize the interventions

The interventions cover the following four modules:

Module I : Natural resources

This module consists of interventions related to in-situ moisture conservation, water harvesting and recycling for supplemental irrigation, improved drainage in flood prone areas, conservation tillage where appropriate, artificial ground water recharge and water saving irrigation methods.

Module II : Crop Production

This module consists of introducing drought/temperature tolerant varieties, advancement of planting dates of rabi crops in areas with terminal heat stress, water saving paddy cultivation methods (SRI, aerobic, direct seeding), frost management in horticulture through fumigation, community nurseries for delayed monsoon, custom hiring centres for timely planting, location specific intercropping systems with high sustainable yield index.

Module III : Livestock and Fisheries

Use of community lands for fodder production during droughts/floods, improved fodder/feed storage methods, preventive vaccination, improved shelters for reducing heat stress in livestock , management of fish ponds/tanks during water scarcity and excess water, etc.

Module IV : Institutional Interventions

This module consist of institutional interventions either by strengthening the existing ones or initiating new ones relating to seed bank, fodder bank, commodity groups, custom hiring centre, collective marketing, introduction of weather index based insurance and climate literacy through a village level weather station.

The Process

The KVK team for each district carried out a detailed exercise on the needs of the village, the climatic vulnerability (drought/floods/heat wave/frost/cyclone) and the available technology options from the concerned Zonal Agricultural Research Stations of the SAU. After a careful study of the gaps, specific interventions from each of the module were be selected and an integrated package from all modules was be formulated. Majority farmers are to be covered with one or more of the interventions in order to demonstrate a discernable effect. As an outcome of this exercise location specific climate resilient practices and constraints in its adoption would be documented.


Zone wise profile of selected districts and its climatic vulnerabilities



tabs   Zone-I : No. of Districts: 12

  Zone-II :No. of Districts: 15

  Zone-III : No. of Districts: 17

  Zone-IV : No. of Districts: 13

  Zone-V : No. of Districts: 13

  Zone-VI : No. of Districts: 7

  Zone-VII : No. of Districts: 14

  Zone-VIII : No. of Districts: 9





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