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Sponsored/Competitive Grants


One of the key components of the National Initiative is sponsored/competitive grants . Research proposals addressing critical gaps of national importance not covered in the main project, will be funded under this component inviting proposals from identified institutions or through an open invitation on competitive basis from institutions/individuals both within and outside National Agricultural Research System (NARS).

The priority areas for competitive grants:  

  • Pest and disease surveillance and forewarning including epizootics in animals, poultry, fishery etc.
  • Mechanisms of crop and livestock loss assessment during extreme weather events (cyclone, hailstorm, heat wave, cold wave and other natural calamities)
  • Quantification of ecosystem services rendered through adoption of climate resilient technologies in different production systems and incentivization for adopting such technologies.
  • Impacts of climate change and need of conservation of pollinators, predators in different agroecologies.
  • Carbon footprints in agriculture sector (crops, livestock and fisheries) through Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)
  • Impact of elevated CO2 and temperature on dynamics of terrestrial weeds and soil biota.
  • Gender mainstreaming in agriculture production systems under changing climate.
  • Understanding climate change impact on groundwater resources in India through advanced models and strengthening agriculture resilience through integrated ground water resources management.
  • GHG emissions from different horticulture and livestock waste disposal systems.
  • Innovative green and renewable energy models for climate change mitigation in agriculture.
  • Genome guided transcriptome analysis for identifying climate change adaptive genes in aquaculture species.
  • Changes in spread of invasive species impacting aquaculture due to climate change.
  • Evaluating adaptive capacity of coral reefs to climate change and the potential of climate change refugee in the Indian context.

Fund Governance and Management

The projects are approved after review and recommendation by an Expert Committee constituted by the Director General, ICAR. CRIDA, Hyderabad is the secretariat for the Expert Committee.

Screening and Approval Process

A notification in leading newspapers is published by the Secretariat. Any scientist or institutions or group of institutions, civil society organizations registered in India and entitled to carry out scientific research are eligible to apply. The projects are proposed for a period of 3 years giving year-wise clear milestones and budget requirement. The project selection is done in two stages.

In the first phase, a 3-page concept note asked with objectives of the proposal, brief strategy and technical program, critical gaps being addressed, details of the organization and project investigators and estimated budget.

In the second phase, The Principal Investigators of the approved concept notes are invited to submit full proposals for consideration by the Expert Committee for recommendation to the Competent Authority for approval. The proposing scientist is invited to make a presentation of the full proposal.

The budget is provided under the heads of (i) recurring which covers contingencies including pay & allowances of contractual staff; POL, Labour, supplies and material, organization of workshops, meetings, publication, etc. (ii) Non-recurring which covers equipments/fabrication, furniture and fixtures, information technology, etc. (iii) TA and (iv) HRD.

Proforma for submission of concept note under Competitive Grants

Proforma for submission of full proposal under Competitive Grants

Proforma for submission of concept note under Sponsored Grants

Proforma for submission of full proposal under Sponsored Grants


For any further information, please contact the secretariat at the following address:


Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture
Santoshangar, Hyderabad 500 059
Phone : 040-24530177 (O)
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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