In scarce rainfall zones of India, practice of sole cropping is predominant but is risky and often results in low yields or sometimes even in crop failure due to erratic monsoon rainfall and skewed distribution. In such areas intercropping is a feasible option to minimize risk in crop production, ensure reasonable returns at least from the intercrop and also improve soil fertility with a legume intercrop.
NICRA Project launched in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh on 17th July, 2015

The National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) project was launched at Chiitticherla village of Chinnagottigallu mandal in Chittoor district on 17th July 2015. ICAR-CRIDA which is coordinating the NICRA project implemented by 100 KVKs since 2011 at the national level is expanding the project implementation to 21 additional districts identified for their climate vulnerability from 2015 onwards. The technology demonstration component of NICRA in the district will be implemented by Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) operated by Rashtriya Seva Samithi (RASS).
Seed shortage of suitable crop varieties is an important limitation faced by farmers to implement contingency crop plans to tackle aberrant rainfall situations. In vulnerable areas, farmers tend to dispose-off the entire produce as grain and therefore depend on external sources for seed supply in the next season. In crops where the seed multiplication ratio is low, seed rate and seed cost is high
Flood tolerant varieties impart resilience to farmers in flood-prone areas

Flooding is a major challenge for rice production in the country. Heavy and intense rainfall events cause flash floods due to overflow of rivers and canals or sometimes tidal movements in coastal areas. Continuous high rainfall in a short span leading to water logging and heavy rainfall with high speed winds in a short span due to cyclonic storms cause inundation of paddy fields and lodging of the crop at grain filling and maturity stages causing huge losses to the farmer.