NICRA Project launched in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh on 17th July, 2015The National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) project was launched at Chiitticherla village of Chinnagottigallu mandal in Chittoor district on 17th July 2015. ICAR-CRIDA which is coordinating the NICRA project implemented by 100 KVKs since 2011 at the national level is In 12th Plan, ICAR identified Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh for its vulnerability to drought. The district experiences less than 400 mm of rainfall during the south-west monsoon period and frequently experiences both onset delay and deficit rainfall conditions. Rainfed agriculture is practiced in 2.34 lakh ha (62% of net sown area) in red sandy and sandy loam soils with low water holding capacity. Major source of irrigation is tube wells and groundwater is overexploited. There is a need to adapt to the increasing variability in rainfall and high temperature conditions by adopting climate resilient agricultural practices to sustain productivity and income from agriculture. Famers of Chitticherla village cultivate groundnut, redgram, tomato, paddy and mango. This revenue village comprises of 20 small habitations. This village falls under the just completed Tummalchenupalli watershed funded by NABARD and is ideally suited to mount crop, livestock and institutional interventions to make agriculture in the village resilient to climate risks.
As part of the project launch, a custom hiring centre (CHC) for farm implements was inaugurated in the village by Dr N. Sudhakar, Zonal Project Director, Zone V, Hyderabad. A demonstration of power weeder was conducted in which the farmers actively participated. The CHC will provide access to farm implements at affordable rates to needy farmers and will be operated by the Village Climate Risk Management Committee (VCRMC). The revenue generated will be deposited in the bank and used for repair and maintenance.
About 100 farmers and farm women including village leaders and chair persons of watershed committees participated in the inaugural meeting and voiced their commitment to the project. Dr Giridhar Krishna, Associate Director of Research, RARS, Tirupathi addressed the gathering and assured technical support to the implementing KVK. Dr N. Sudhakar, ZPD urged the farmers to register for mobile agro-advisory services & participate in the project for better exposure to improved practices.
Dr Y.G. Prasad, Principal Investigator, NICRA-TDC explained the objectives of the NICRA project to enhance the coping ability and resilience of (Source: NICRA-TDC, ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad)