The simulation study involved 6.2 million simulations consisting of various varieties, management, sowing/ transplanting time for direct seeds/transplanted rice during different seasons (kharif, rabi and summer) for various rice growing regions in India. Results indicated that the climate potential for rice yield will not change significantly in future.However, significant reduction in climate potential of current varieties’ yield is projected in RCP 8.5 scenario which is an extremely high GHG emission scenario.
Zero till cultivation of wheat

Zero till cultivation of wheat is being demonstrated in upper and mid gangetic regions by IARI, New Delhi. In upper gangetic regions demonstrations were taken up in Haryana and in mid gangetic region demonstrations were takenup in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh and Gaya, Bihar.Significant savings on tillage as well as higher benefit cost ratio were observed in case of zero-tillage than conventional system.
An experiment was conducted with different in situ conservation practices, tillage practices, and mulch treatments to identify the climate resilient resource conservation practices. GHG emissions were recorded in different treatments with closed vented static chamber. The CO2 fluxes in different treatments ranged from 0.87 to 15.58 kg C ha-1hr-1.
Identification of heat tolerant rice genotypes for north eastern region (ICAR RC NEH, Umiam)
A core set of 150 rice genotypes was formed from the whole genotypic set of 1100 genotypes representing all the states of NE India. The core set was grown in both ambient and elevated temperatures (+30C ambient) and the data was recorded for yield, yield contributing and physiological traits.